Discover the Fun of Gardening
The Kerby's E-Newsletter
July 20, 2017   
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Always have fun in the garden.

Why do you garden? It's to have fun, right? It keeps you young and puts a smile on your face. Well, a few weeks ago, a couple was in the nursery shopping for plants on a rainy Saturday afternoon. As they made their way up to the store, the music caught their ears. The wife said to her husband come on honey let's dance, and in typical guy fashion, the husband sort of didn't hear the comment. She insisted that it was her birthday and she wanted to dance, and again the comment went by without acknowledgement. Finally the husband started doing a little dance and grabbed her by the waist a twirled her around a bit. And I thought, that's the kind of fun I want to have in my garden (and in my Garden Center!)

So how are you having fun in the garden this summer? If the heat has you melting away and you need some inspiration, check out Kerby's Summer Gardening Ideas. And don't forget to eat lots of popsicles, take dips in the pool, run through the sprinklers and do whatever you need to do to stay cool out there. It's hot, but that doesn't mean that the fun of gardening has to stop!

Happy Gardening,
The Kerby's Nursery Family

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Red Curcuma Ginger
8" Pot - $16.99
Featured Plant
Curcuma Ginger

These gorgeous flowers emerge out of the lush green foliage just in time for summer parties in your backyard. It sure is a bright color for shady areas in your garden! And once-established, they require very little care. The plant grows to around 2 or 3 feet tall and wide, and the flowers can be up to a foot tall!
Liquid Copper Fungicide
8 fl. ozs. - $9.99
Featured Product
 Liquid Copper Fungicide

A general purpose fungicide that treats everything from rust and lichens to downy and powdery mildews. It treats disease on squash, zucchini and melons (if they are still growing in this summer heat!) We also use it for treating our hydrangeas for powdery mildew. It is especially good for killing lichens that form on the bark and branches of trees (you know the greenish-blue growths that make the bark look kind of ugly). As if that's not enough, it treats a wide variety of citrus diseases, including greasy-spot, melanose and citrus scab. It's a great general purpose fungicide to have in your arsenal.
Summer Sales
Summer Clearance

Select Items
60% Off
Marked, In-Stock Items Only
Fortuniana Grafted Roses

Buy One Get One Free
10" Pots - $29.99 Reg. Price

Brand New Shipment of Statues

Kerby's Nursery

2311 S. Parsons Ave.

Seffner, FL 33584
(813) 685-3265

Store Hours
Open Seven Days a Week
Monday - Saturday,  9:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday,  11:00am - 4:00pm